Author PieEatingNinjas

Using the Fluent Design System in a minesweeper game

In this blog post I would like to show you how to use Acrylic, Reveal highlight and Connected Animations using the Fluent Design System that comes with the Fall Creators Update of Windows 10. The Fluent Design System is a… Continue Reading →

Achievement Unlocked: Microsoft MVP

A couple of months ago, two befriended MVPs put me up for nomination. And, finally, yesterday the highly awaited email arrived: I’m so honored to being part of this absolutely great team of people that inspire so many developers! I hope, with… Continue Reading →

Creating a HyperlinkLabel in Xamarin Forms

I needed a simple control that could show a hyperlink inline with other text and I’d like the link to be defined in markdown. In short, something like this: HyperlinkLabel In Xamarin.Forms, I created a HyperlinkLabel class which isn’t anything more… Continue Reading →

Demos talk “Realm, the cool new kid in Xamarin town”

Last week I gave a talk about Realm at the Xamarin Expert Day in Cologne, Germany. Some people asked me if I could put the code of the demos, that I used in this talk, on a public GitHub Repo. Sharing is caring, of… Continue Reading →

Using SqlClient in UWP

Hello .NET Standard 2.0 A week or so ago, Visual Studio Preview 15.4 released and I was pretty excited about this! Why? Well, Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4 Preview brings first class support for developers targeting the Windows Fall Creators… Continue Reading →

Creating a ‘Continue Watching’ experience using Project Rome in UWP

Since the Anniversary update, we got this new RemoteSystem class in UWP, which is part of Project Rome. With this api we can discover and interact with other computers. One of my first ideas I had when I heart about Project… Continue Reading →

Sharing a Realm via a QR code using ZXing

Realm offers a nice technique to share Realms with other users using the PermissionOffer and the PermissionOfferResponse objects. The idea is that you can provide a token that an other user can use to connect to your data store. In this blogpost we will use this… Continue Reading →

Bind to Xamarin Picker but only update value after hitting Done on iOS

Sometimes you stumble upon these gems that you didn’t know they existed. Like I did today… The ‘problem’ with the Picker You might have noticed that when you are binding to the SelectedItem of a Picker in Xamarin Forms, that on iOS… Continue Reading →

Dynamically binding RESX Resources in Xamarin Forms

Localizing your app isn’t the most fun thing to do. In the last couple of years I’ve seen and tried various ways of implementing multi language support. In this blogpost I would like to share how I recently set up localization… Continue Reading →

Trigger PropertyChanged of indexed property in Xamarin Forms

Xamarin Forms supports binding to indexed properties. But do you know how to trigger a PropertyChanged event on such a property so that the binding engine gets the updated value? Binding to indexed properties Binding to an indexed property in… Continue Reading →

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