Author PieEatingNinjas

Xamarin interview questions

Intro The company I work for, Ordina Belgium, got many requests for ‘consultants with Xamarin experience’ from our customers lately. As leader of the Mobile Competence Center at Ordina, I’m bundling the interview questions our consultants get dished up when… Continue Reading →

Getting the user’s physical location without location services

It has been a while since my last blogpost (due to various reasons: preparing wedding and talk at Techorama, meetings with the architect for the construction of our house,…)! But I finally found a bit time to write another blogpost. This… Continue Reading →

Slidedeck and code “Data sharing and Cross-App communication in UWP”

8th March 2016 I gave a talk for Mobel (“Belgian Mobile Developer User Group”) about Data sharing and Cross-App Communication in UWP. As it was only a short talk (in total there were 3 speakers, each one covering ‘data sharing’… Continue Reading →

Displaying PDF files in a UWP app

In this short blogpost I want to show you how I’ve used the Windows.Data.Pdf.PdfDocument class in order to render a PDF file inside my UWP app. In order to open a PDF from a UWP app, you can ofcourse, always… Continue Reading →

Custom UWP Control: Step-Through ListView

Designers tend to come up ‘crazy’ (not standard!) ideas about the looks and the behavior of UI elements. Especially when you are building a UWP app and those designers have no experience in this platform (no offence). A short time ago… Continue Reading →

Disable gestures on Pivot control

One last blogpost to end 2015 with… Intro For this small project I’m working on in my spare time, I wanted to use a Pivot control but without the gestures; i.e. swipe/pan/flick to go to the next or previous item… Continue Reading →

x:Bind and inheritance

(published on 11/30/2015, although WordPress states ’11/15/2015′) Intro The first time I heard about Compiled Bindings (x:Bind) was at Build 2015. Finally we got compile-time validation on bindings and it promised to be a lot faster as it doesn’t need… Continue Reading →

Using Rx in a UWP project with MVVM

Intro My team and I are currently working on a UWP project which is a complete rewrite of a WinRT app that we have been building.Recently we started development on the ‘Search’ functionality. It’s that typical search paradigm: only hit… Continue Reading →

Deferred Loading, mind the Visual State Manager

Deferred Loading is a great way to optimize your XAML views. It allows us to lazy load controls that aren’t visible by default, or that are only visible under certain conditions. It is a great technique to optimize the performance and memory… Continue Reading →

Starting a blog since 2011…

Since a couple of years, one of my new years resolutions has been: “Starting a blog”. For some reason or another, for all these years, on the 31 December I needed to conclude that this resolution again didn’t make the cut…… Continue Reading →

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