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Getting the user’s physical location without location services

It has been a while since my last blogpost (due to various reasons: preparing wedding and talk at Techorama, meetings with the architect for the construction of our house,…)! But I finally found a bit time to write another blogpost. This… Continue Reading →

Slidedeck and code “Data sharing and Cross-App communication in UWP”

8th March 2016 I gave a talk for Mobel (“Belgian Mobile Developer User Group”) about Data sharing and Cross-App Communication in UWP. As it was only a short talk (in total there were 3 speakers, each one covering ‘data sharing’… Continue Reading →

Displaying PDF files in a UWP app

In this short blogpost I want to show you how I’ve used the Windows.Data.Pdf.PdfDocument class in order to render a PDF file inside my UWP app. In order to open a PDF from a UWP app, you can ofcourse, always… Continue Reading →

Custom UWP Control: Step-Through ListView

Designers tend to come up ‘crazy’ (not standard!) ideas about the looks and the behavior of UI elements. Especially when you are building a UWP app and those designers have no experience in this platform (no offence). A short time ago… Continue Reading →

Disable gestures on Pivot control

One last blogpost to end 2015 with… Intro For this small project I’m working on in my spare time, I wanted to use a Pivot control but without the gestures; i.e. swipe/pan/flick to go to the next or previous item… Continue Reading →

x:Bind and inheritance

(published on 11/30/2015, although WordPress states ’11/15/2015′) Intro The first time I heard about Compiled Bindings (x:Bind) was at Build 2015. Finally we got compile-time validation on bindings and it promised to be a lot faster as it doesn’t need… Continue Reading →

Using Rx in a UWP project with MVVM

Intro My team and I are currently working on a UWP project which is a complete rewrite of a WinRT app that we have been building.Recently we started development on the ‘Search’ functionality. It’s that typical search paradigm: only hit… Continue Reading →

Deferred Loading, mind the Visual State Manager

Deferred Loading is a great way to optimize your XAML views. It allows us to lazy load controls that aren’t visible by default, or that are only visible under certain conditions. It is a great technique to optimize the performance and memory… Continue Reading →

Starting a blog since 2011…

Since a couple of years, one of my new years resolutions has been: “Starting a blog”. For some reason or another, for all these years, on the 31 December I needed to conclude that this resolution again didn’t make the cut…… Continue Reading →

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