Author PieEatingNinjas

Setting up a Realm Object Server in Azure and connect to it with Xamarin Forms

Lately I’ve been playing around with Realm. Realm is a very cool platform that allows us to easily build mobile apps that use things like local data storage, two-way data synchronisation, real time collaboration, … Things that typically require some coding… Continue Reading →

Custom location and movement on Xamarin Remoted iOS Simulator for Windows

When I was building a Xamarin PoC at the client, I was disappointed to notice that there wasn’t any way of simulating the user’s location on the Remoted iOS Simulator for Windows. Not to mention simulating a walk or bike… Continue Reading →

Building a Xamarin app with Azure Functions and OneDrive

Preface (you can skip this if you are not interested in the underlying idea, no hard feelings!) A while ago my brother -who sells windows (no, not the OS) and doors- asked me if I could build a small app for… Continue Reading →

Getting rid of whitespaces between Runs in a TextBlock

The problem When we use Runs in a TextBlock in XAML, we can get these annoying whitespaces between the Runs in our application. For example, this XAML… <TextBlock> <Run Text=”123″ /> <Run Text=”456″ /> <Run Text=”789″ /> </TextBlock> … produces… Continue Reading →

Compiled bindings gotcha – Don’t forget INotifyPropertyChanged on your interface

Intro On one of our UWP projects we ran into an issue where OneWay binding using x:Bind (compiled bindings) didn’t work. Only the initial value was shown. In the end, when I found and fixed the problem, I realized that it was… Continue Reading →

UWP Custom Control: ExpandableDetailGridView (Google Images Style GridView)

‘Google Images Style’ GridView For one of the upcoming updates of the app I’m currently working on, the designers used a grid that looks a lot like the GridView that Google uses on it’s Images search result page. It’s basically… Continue Reading →

How to catch multiple types of exceptions in one catch block

Catch ’em all Last week a colleague asked: what’s the best way to catch different types of exceptions that need to be handled in the same way? He saw a couple of options himself, for example: try { DoSomethingThatCanGoWrong(myVar); }… Continue Reading →

Fix Visual Studio 2015 random crash

Visual Studio 2015 randomly crashing -> FIX! A colleague of mine was having issues with Visual Studio 2015. Every now and then his instance of Visual Studio would just crash. He thought it would crash more often when pressing CTRL+X… Continue Reading →

UWP Simple PDF viewer

Some months ago, I blogged about how to display PDF files in your UWP app: Displaying PDF files in a UWP app When I look at the stats of my blog, I notice that that particular blogpost gets a lot of visitors…. Continue Reading →

UWP app on Xbox One: controller input gotcha (KeyDown event)

I was trying out some stuff on my Xbox One (well technically not mine, but that doesn’t matter). More particularly I was testing out UWP for Xbox One. One of the first things I wanted to try out was how to get input… Continue Reading →

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